John Person is a 40-year veteran trader who is also an experienced trading system developer. He is the author of several highly acclaimed trading books and the creator of the Persons Pivots and PPS momentum indicators, found on brokerage firms such as Charles Schwab's thinkorswim, TradeStation, and the software platform, Trade Navigator, from Genesis Financials.
This year, more than any other with a Republican-led government, might be a fantastic time for select stock picking. Learn the power and ease of scanning features and how to filter out better stock trades with specific trading platforms using select technical trading indicators. Price-based indicators are useful tools, but they are not always about price but rather the “condition” of price. Be prepared to learn about the momentum or pace of price change of a stock and how to use volume to identify participation. Then, you can see how relative performance can highlight whether a stock is attractive or losing its luster relative to the broad market. John Person will show how to use three tools: specific volume analysis to identify market participation, the PPS indicator that shows true price momentum, and why the PMC indicator should be on every stock trader’s charts for identifying relative performance.