Scott St. Clair began his career as a stockbroker in 1994. Following a handful of successful years trading his personal account, he became a proprietary trader for his firm. From 2007-2010, he was a managing partner at a capital company.
Mr. St. Clair was first introduced to the methodology at Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) by a colleague that recommended the book How to Make Money in Stocks by William O’Neil. He attended numerous workshops from 1994-2010 taught by the portfolio managers at William O’Neil + Co. Scott joined the IBD family in late 2010 and has been with the firm ever since.
From 2015-2019, Mr. St. Clair was on the portfolio management team at Wiliam O’Neil + Co. With the merger of IBD and Dow Jones, he was promoted to his current role as senior manager of the premium product group at IBD. He frequently hosts educational webinars for IBD and is a frequent guest on podcasts and IBD Live.
Want to take the guesswork out of investing in stocks? Investor’s Business Daily’s data-driven investing system has helped traders consistently outperform the market for decades. Join us for this session led by IBD’s Scott St. Clair to discover the four key pillars of this system and help you navigate the market with confidence.
The best investors don’t play guessing games when it comes to their buying decisions—they let stock charts tell them when the time is right. In this session, IBD’s Scott St. Clair will show you how to use charts to identify technical buy signals and improve your timing. Whether you’re new to technical analysis or looking to sharpen your skills, this session will provide you with the knowledge to make smarter buying decisions and boost your returns.